David Siegel

David Siegel

David’s first lamas are his parents, who handed the fire of teaching to him and devoted their careers to teaching public school. Following in their footsteps, David is a licensed English teacher; he taught in New York City schools for many years and founded Metropolitan Ivy Tutoring. He loves working with students and brings this passion to his dharma teaching. 

David is a graduate of Columbia University and first encountered Buddhism as a student there. He began studying the ACI Foundation Courses in 2005 with his heart teacher, Venerable Lobsang Chunzom. Alongside scriptural study, David has learned the most from serving the dharma by helping organize, produce, and archive teachings and providing three-year retreat support. 

Tai chi is David’s favorite exercise, and he has studied for 15 years at Society for Nanlaoshu. He enjoys playing songs with his beautiful fiancée Adriane, and lives in New York City, USA.

He can be reached at dsiegelnyc@gmail.com.


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