John Brady

John Brady

John was an executive director for 21 years at the Lillian Vernon Corporation, the fifth largest direct mail order catalog in the US throughout the 1980s and 1990s. He studied and practiced meditation with Eido Shimano Roshi, a Japanese Zen master, who resided and taught in New York City.  John lived and worked in New York from 1979 to 2009 and studied with Shimano for 14 years. In 1996, John met Geshe Michael Roach and began a rigorous 36-course Buddhist study program under his tutelage. John completed this program in 2010.

In 1999, John became the director of the Asian Classics Input Project, a not-for-profit organization that preserves, digitizes, transliterates, and disseminates thousands of ancient Buddhist texts found throughout Asia. After 35 years of preserving timeless wisdom, ACIP became the Asian Legacy Library (ALL), whose new mission extends to all the wisdom traditions of Asia. In 2014, John completed a 3-year, 3-month, 3-day silent meditation retreat in the US. He teaches for the Asian Classics Institute, Diamond Cutter Institute, and the Sedona College of International Management. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona, USA, with his wife, Constance O’Brien. They travel and teach together throughout Asia, Europe, and Mexico. 


Earle Birney


Silvia Engelhardt